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Upper Loudoun Little League

Upper Loudoun Little League

ULLL Safety Information

ULLL Safety Plan

Each year Upper Loudoun Little League (ULLL) prepares and submits a safety plan to Little League International.  You can view the document as a PDF file by clicking here:  Upper Loudoun Little League Safety Plan 2025. To report an accident please use this form: Accident Notification Form

ULLL Concussion Policy

For the most up to date information, education and laws on concussions in our state and county please visit:

Little League International strongly encourages all leagues and teams to not only comply with any applicable state laws, but also to review the information and training materials on concussions which is available (free of charge) on the Centers For Disease Control website.

The latest concussion information from the Centers for Disease control can be found at:

ULLL Weather Policy

In the event of thunder or lightning during a ULLL practicepre-game warm-upscrimmage, or game, all managers, coaches, adult umpires, adult game coordinators and parents shall implement the ULLL weather safety procedure.

  1. Immediately move everyone to a GROUNDED building or vehicle.  An equipment shed, dugout, concession stand or pavilion are all examples of dangerous places to be during a storm.  A safe building is one that is fully enclosed with a roof, walls and floor, and has plumbing or wiring. Examples include a home, school, church, hotel, office building or shopping center.


  1. Once players and fans are in a grounded location like a vehicle or safe building, wait 30 minutes from the LAST sound of thunder or lightning sight. Once 30 minutes have passed without thunder or lightning play/practice may resume.


  1. Always use good judgment, if more storms are approaching, err on the side of caution and call it a day.


Here are some tips:

  1. Don’t rely on your smart phone radar alone.  Look with your eyes and listen with your ears.


  1. A thunderstorm in the first stage can form in 10 minutes and may not show up on radar. Thunder is the sound made by a flash of lightning. As lightning passes through the air, it heats the air quickly. This causes the air to expand rapidly and creates the sound wave that we hear as thunder. Normally, you can hear thunder about 10 miles from a lightning strike.


  1. If you think it can’t happen to me, think againChildren have been killed by lightning when adults have made an error in judgment.


  1. Here is what Little League International says about thunder and lightning:  “The bottom line is that if you hear thunder, you need to get inside immediately,” said retired Air Force Brig. Gen. David L. Johnson, director of the NOAA National Weather Service. “Lightning can strike up to 10 miles from a thunderstorm, which is about the distance that the sound of thunder can travel and be heard. All thunderstorms produce lightning, and each lightning strike is a potential killer.”


  1. Always remember, if you Hear it - Clear It and if you See it- Flee It!


  1. For more information visit: Lightning Safety Tips and Resources

Contact Us

Upper Loudoun Little League

Upper Loudoun Little League, P.O. Box 1122
Purcellville, Virginia 20134

Email Us: [email protected]
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